The reality is increasingly difficult to hide

Feb 24, 2024
In the history of betrayal that is immigration policy in Western nations for the last 70 years, the greatest crime of all is the importation of massive numbers of Muslims. The reality is that this represents a double betrayal that has been ongoing for a very long time.
First, the policy makers who decided to import Islam to the West did so in the full knowledge that commonplace Islamic attitudes and practices, things which they had seen and known as characteristic of Islam in the rest of the world, were utterly alien to the beliefs, practices and interests of any Western nation. Back when our politicians were honest patriots, they acknowledged this (in commentary of absolute fact that would now be labelled ‘Islamophobic’ and break current ‘hate speech’ laws).
Second, as Islamic populations grew and the white working class were particularly negatively impacted, the Western authorities doubled down on their original betrayal by making all concerns regarding Islamification of the West the target of instant demonisation and even oppressively applied police powers, all designed to silence dissent and cast opponents of Islamic takeover in the worst possible light.
To be fair to them, many Islamic leaders are more honest about this than the modern West is. Talk to Turkey’s Erdogan and he will laugh at the idea of ‘moderate Islam’, which is a constructed fantasy of Western globalists and progressives. Polling shows that most standard and popular attitudes in Islamic nations are contrary to many of the foundational assumptions of Western liberal democracies, as are the legal codes of Islamic nations. Talk to Saudi Arabia’s leaders about freedom of religion, or ask them why there are not a slew of Christian churches in their land, and their reaction at best will be an amused disdain.
Islamic nations do not practice the cultural capitulations that the West has perfected.
Islam is a political system as well as a religion, and in both cases it demands absolute submission. Even what it means by ‘peace’ is different to what Westerners, Christian or otherwise, mean by peace. For Islam everything that is not Islam exists within the House of War. The absurd label ‘the religion of peace’, instantly seen as absurd by any truly rational look at the chief sponsor of terrorism in the world and a religion with more murders to its name than Nazism and Communism combined, refers only to the Islamic belief that peace only exists where everyone has submitted to total Islamic dominance.
The dishonest Western practice of asserting that this ‘peace’ is what WE mean by peace is only the most egregious of the lies promulgated by globalist and progressive politics with regard to the most savage and backwards ideology still taken seriously by both its adherents and its victims.
Progressives and mainstream politicians will of course pretend that the fact that many Muslims do not engage in terrorism, or can be found working in your office, or fetishised in Britain as nurses and doctors in the Sacred NHS, means that all talk of their incompatibility with Western values is merely an unwarranted prejudice. To criticise Islam and Muslims collectively is to be instantly cast as a racist (despite Islam not being a race), as a bigot (despite Islamic attitudes being consistently more bigoted) and as evil (despite Islam engaging in violence, intimidation and terrorism far more often than its sternest critics do).
Islamic leaders in places where raped women are stoned or imprisoned for adultery, or in places where all other religions (and other sects of Islam) are vigorously persecuted, or from nations where Jews are under constant threat of death and women under constant threat of rape, are happy to accept the mental contortions of Western progressives. Indeed, they see these people quite rightly as useful idiots who will serve their purposes. And these nations well understood just how illogical and self defeating progressive attitudes could be.
Qatar, for instance, has been one of the biggest external supporters of ‘woke’ ideology, pumping millions into ludicrous and decadent Western mouthpieces that, in their own nation, they would probably kill. The Qataris and the Saudis have both funded US universities in particular, encouraging the appointment and creation of Islamic friendly hard left woke professors, instructors and courses all deploying the standard progressive cognitive dissonance of simultaneously being LGBTQ+ advocates and stout defenders and supporters of Islam.
It is these efforts that have led Muslims to become the ultimate fetishised outsiders, the perennial oppressed victims of woke ideology, no matter how barbaric, patriarchal and Iron Age Islamic beliefs themselves are. Islam is the Other that progressives regard with slavering, abject worship, and in turn Islam has funded progressivism because they know that these irrational, emotional, self hating retards are perfect fodder for either stealthy or direct Islamic conquest.
The one thing that Islam gets right is found in its utter contempt for progressives and globalists they know they can exploit, and the skill with which they have used these people to demoralise and destroy non Islamic nations following the same tactics that other external enemies, particularly the KGB, first perfected.
Islam and progressive globalists then entered a poisonous alliance, with both determined to crush the strongest potential sources of opposition to their conquest of Western nations. The only real impediment to their overwhelming of the Western nation state would be a populist or genuinely conservative resurgence that restored confidence, pride and self awareness to majority white populations before their demographic replacement had been completed. And that is why the ridiculous charge of Islamophobia was invented, pathologizing sensible Western self-interest and self-respect, together with saner policies on culture and immigration, as irrational fears with no substance in the known behaviour of Islam.
The whole of British mainstream culture has been guided by the boundaries set by Islamic agents and by their globalist progressive allies. It is many years already since Geert Wilders was, for example, refused entry to the UK and accused of being a dangerous extremist simply for telling the truth about Islam (that was in 2009). The British Home Office at the time declared in justifying the decision that it would:
“…stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country”.
The statement was of course a particular irony given that the same authorities had already welcomed millions of people with extremist, hateful and violent attitudes towards non-Muslims, women, gays, apostates and children, and that whilst it was shared Britain was also seeing thousands of white girls being raped by Muslim rape gangs. While children were regularly being abused in Rochdale, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and scores of other cities and towns across the UK, British authorities were concentrating on preventing anyone telling the truth about what life with a large Muslim population looks like.
And his example is not a singular one. In 2009 popular rightwing American talk show host Michael Savage was permanently banned from entering the UK. Lutz Bachmann, one of the founders of the Pegida movement in Germany, was similarly banned. The Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin was banned for being too ‘anti Palestinian’ (and a revolting and inaccurate smear claiming Feiglin wanted concentration camps was run in the Daily Mail, a supposedly right-wing paper, in relation to a plan Feiglin had suggested in response to Islamic terrorism). In 2013 Pamela Geller, a US Zionist who has accurately described Koranic attitudes to Jews and who opposed an Islamic centre on 9/11 ground, was barred from entry to the UK. In 2011 Pastor Terry Jones was barred from entering Britain, again for expressing anti-Islamic views.
While classifying almost all criticism of Islam as extremist and likely to endanger life, British authorities have consistently, for decades, turned a blind eye to Islamic crimes and abuses, so much so that leading members of Islamic terrorist networks like the hook handed Abu Hamza, were also receiving generous welfare payments from the British State throughout their advocacy of jihad and terrorism against British citizens. The extreme sensitivity to criticism of an entire group shown with regard to criticisms of Islam is never matched by similarly intense efforts to protect whites or Jews from criticism (or indeed, from actual harm).
And it’s not just the British police, courts and main parties that have displayed this two tier reaction to ‘hate speech’. Even smaller parties have shown abject cowardice and dishonesty regarding the steady growth of Islamic power in Britain. UKIP, for instance, expelled Anne-Marie Waters (previously hounded out of the Labour Party on similar grounds) for telling the truth about Islam. Consistently, and for decades now, it is criticising Islam, rather than advocating or supporting Islamic terrorism, which is most likely to end in harassment from the authorities or the police or the ending of a political career.
Not only has there been very little (if any) monitoring of the addresses and speeches delivered in mosques (even the notorious Finsbury Park mosque went for years with no official censure while producing Islamic terrorists) but applying the same kind of scrutiny to Islam that is applied to ‘far right’ groups or to critics of Islam would leave the authorities in the uncomfortable position of having to admit that much standard Islamic instruction fits the definitions given for hate speech (switch the respective names of the parties involved, or have a white man say the same things about another group that Islam says about non Muslims, and prosecution would be instantaneous). Even the Prevent policy, a de-radicalisation and extremist monitoring strategy supposedly devised in response to Islamic attacks like the Manchester Arena bombing, ended up writing guidelines against ‘white supremacism’ that told people (completely seriously) that watching Michael Portillo’s Great Railway Journeys was a warning sign of a future terrorist.
There is no doubt that the official reactions to the grooming gang crisis showed the Islamic conquest of Britain to those willing to admit the truth. ‘Rape jihad’ is after all an established weapon of Islamic terrorism and Islamic supremacism, as well as something that always happened in the ancient world when one people or nation was utterly conquered by another. But when it emerged that thousands of white British children had been raped by exclusively Muslim gangs, it also emerged that British authorities had actively colluded to disguise this, and directly facilitated it through fear of being labelled racist or through fear of stirring ‘community tensions’. What they feared, of course, was two fold. Losing the Islamic block vote, which in many areas had become a deciding electoral factor, and large scale riots or violence if crimes by Islamic individuals were properly investigated.
The progressive globalist lie that Islam was a peaceful, compatible and welcome addition to the Western nation held even in the face of this official complicity and cowardice being revealed, thanks largely to the mainstream media willingness to engage in the lie and to demonise those who did not. In the Labour Party in particular, careers were not ruined by supporting the Islamic rapists or covering up or diminishing their activities, but instead the route to political oblivion was found by admitting the truth. A Labour MP (Naz Shah) who apparently laughed at the fate of white children being gang raped and agreed with a post expressing the sentiment that child rape victims should “shut up for the sake of diversity” was promoted to be the Labour Shadow Minister of State for Women and Equalities. When the Brexit Leave campaign pointed out this disgraceful evil, British courts were corrupt enough to force an apology and award a libel settlement against them. Meanwhile Labour MP Sarah Champion, who did fight grooming gangs and admit their scale, ended up ostracised and hated by other Labour politicians.
Shah has threatened in the past to take Israel to international courts for defending its people against Islamic terrorism.
The current Labour leader Kier Starmer, who as the the Blair era Director of Public Prosecutions did more then anyone else to sit on grooming gang cases, pretend they didn’t exist and (it seems) order officials not to prosecute such cases, is now likely to become British Prime Minister. The media have never held him to account for his support of the anti-Semite friend of terrorists Jeremy Corbyn, nor for his part in the grooming gang scandal.
Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is of course the beneficiary of the Muslim block vote in London, an Islamic takeover so complete that it is now hard to envisage any non-Muslim candidate winning the capitol against Khan or whatever Muslim was on the ballot. Khan got his start as a defence ‘human rights lawyer’, consulting on behalf of pleasant individuals like captured 9/11 Al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.
And now we reach the full nadir of this long history of pretending that Islam is wonderful and entirely at one with Western values. Following the October 7th vile atrocities of Hamas we have seen just how many millions of terrorist lovers and Jew haters (both Muslims and their white progressive allies) exist in the UK and are prepared to flood the streets in support of actual Islamic backed genocide or with false claims that Israeli response is genocide. Not only that, but we even have British Parliamentary convention and procedure derailed in debates because British MPs tell the Speaker of the House that they are in fear of their lives if they do not vote in favour of the SNP Party (led by, predictably, a Muslim) motion to back Hamas in its terrorism against Israel.
British MPs are telling the Speaker that they afraid of being killed or their families being killed if they vote in a way that offends British Muslims.
That is indeed Islamic conquest. And even a few Conservatives, who for decades have engaged in the same cowardice, pandering and lies in service of Islam that Labour do, are now admitting it.
Daniel Jupp is a populist writer from Essex, England. His latest book is “Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World.” Daniel’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.