I noticed on social media that the phrase “frat boy summer” is becoming popular, and it made me think about why we suddenly see so many young men on college campuses rising up and pushing back at the young, stupid, brainwashed commies who are wishing death on Jews, Israel and America. “Frat boy summer” was born when a group of fraternity members at UNC Chapel Hill bravely protected the American flag from angry protesters as it was being raised on campus, following its tearing down and removal by the same protesters. One of the young men who spoke to the press, Guillermo Estrada, was quoted as saying: “I grew up in a military community and saw first hand the sacrifices they make. I will not stand for the disrespect these protesters cause for the sake of another country.”
Amen. Following that event at UNC Chapel Hill, frat boy summer appeared to spread like wildfire. Across the country, young men are confronting the pro-Hamas crowd, chanting “USA, USA,” and singing the national anthem. Sometimes their pushback has been, shall we say, profane and in poor taste, but I can give them a pass…I remember some of the guys I knew in college drinking a few beers in the afternoon at their fraternity house bar and then engaging in behavior they probably wish they could take back (although my favorite was when one young man offered an obese protester $100 if she would do just one pushup).
And I give them a pass because I really hate these stupid, brainwashed commies.
And for the most part, the pushback has been wonderfully loud and patriotic.
But why is it happening? Here’s my take: I think young men are sick of being told they are the problem. For years, they’ve been told their “toxic masculinity” is bad. It’s patriarchal to go to the gym and develop big muscles and then go play football or hunt deer or go to the range and shoot guns. You know, act like a guy.
It’s triggering to express that toxic masculinity by holding a door open for a woman, or thinking that men—due to their physical strength—are better suited for occupations like combat soldiers or cops or firefighters. Don’t you dare even THINK that women are weaker, physically speaking. And if women fall short of you in physical fitness tests for those occupations, you’re being a misogynist by pointing it out.
For years, they’ve been told “Shut up if you don’t have a uterus!” as if they’re incapable of thoughtful, heartfelt, independent opinions on abortion (not to mention, a guy is usually 50 percent of the equation when it comes to pregnancy). Just shut up; you’re not permitted to express that opinion.
For years, their lefty professors have told them they’re racist because they’re white. Doesn’t matter if they never uttered a racial slur; they were born with “privilege” and they damn well better check their privilege at the door and kneel at the altar of white repentance.
I think the young men we see pushing back on campuses across the country are sick of it, and the healthy masculinity that the commies have tried to suppress is rising to the surface, hidden no more. I hope it keeps rising. We need a lot more men in America who haven’t been whipped into weak little apologizers, who aren’t afraid to show that America is actually a pretty great place, who hate stupid, brainwashed commies and aren’t afraid to show it.
And we need women who love those men and who don’t view themselves as victims because they have a uterus.
Because men like that are good for the country. Strong men in America have a long history of fighting, of crushing fascism and communism, and it looks like they’re about to do it again, this time on college campuses instead of the battlefield. Strong men take care of their wives and children; strong men take care of the country.
So prepare yourselves, commies, because they’re not going away (and they’re not voting for Biden). To these young men: if I ever visit your campus, I’m buying you a keg of beer. Because you’ve given me hope for the future. You revealed that a love of America that I thought had pretty much died among our youth, is very much alive.
Drink up and be merry, lads.
Kerri Pepoy is a former journalist living in Hamilton, MI.