Having been ill over the Christmas period my regular readers have experienced a bit of a gap in my articles here, for which I apologise. Four or five days can seem an incredibly long time when deprived of my thoughts, I know, and I’m sure many families had a dark shadow cast over their Christmas and Hannukah celebrations by my absence from Substack. It’s sad to think of all those dads dropping the camera while filming the kids and losing precious family memories, or mums burning the Turkey because they are frantically checking Jupplandia every five minutes.
Sometimes we do harm without meaning to at all. Still, I can’t see the Kwanzaa crowd having missed me much, so I’ll reserve my belated seasons greetings for everyone except them.
And on the plus side, the little break did give me extra time to consider the events of 2024 and think about what we should expect to see next as 2025 approaches.
Clearly, the greatest triumph for ‘our side’ is the return of a Trump administration. It is something to take genuine joy and hope from. Trump has been the first Western politician to deliver a personal epic journey really since Churchill. Much as I still admire Reagan and Thatcher and much as their achievements were significant, the opposition they faced internally was less than that which Trump has overcome. The Swamp of their day was still tied to some extent to the notion of the West succeeding rather than entirely to the desire to see it perish.
The truth is that Trump had greatness thrust upon him by the degree of crime and malice and opposition towards him. By facing a mainstream media at its most concertedly dishonest, an intelligence apparatus at its most determinedly traitorous, and an international complex of parasitic interests at their most shockingly criminal, Trump and the MAGA movement became the representatives of all patriots, all conservatives, all believers in individual liberty and national sovereignty, throughout the western world.
Trump could not obtain the peaks of meaning without the depths of hatred thrown at him. The hero must face adversity and crisis and overcome it. Really only two US Presidents have had the same degree of opportunity for greatness and the same level of crisis and resistance to deal with (those being JFK and Abraham Lincoln). Both of those political heroes are far more tainted than they are ordinarily portrayed as being, and if JFK really did intend to deal with the rogue nature of the intelligence agencies and internal corruption of the military industrial complex he rather obviously failed.
By a matter of mere millimetres, Trump avoided the same fate.
There are however two reasons why a person becomes a symbolic hero. The first relates to them as an individual, to their personal journey and what they have risked and overcome. On this basis Trump’s legacy is already secure. Like JFK’s Camelot, there will now always be a dream of what an unrestrained Trump period could have secured. There will always be the memory of that iconic fist pumping moment of defiance after being shot. And there will always be an awareness that the entire intelligence apparatus, the entire mainstream media, the entire corporate and State forces of corruption and graft and false ideology (so frequently nothing more than the excuse for the corruption) went further than ever before in the modern era to stop him….and failed.
But the second reason for Trump having become so important, to both his enemies and his supporters, relates to the political choices his presence unlocks. It relates to his instinctive preference in many areas for populist political choices of a kind loathed and considered vile by the majority of the Western political, corporate and media elite.
Ultimately it is the populist policy that matters, not the agent of that policy. Where Trump proves too gullible or too intent on a deal, he has had the capacity to squander what he could achieve and what he has come to symbolically represent. Where Trump is fooled by Globalist deception, he is as wrong as anyone else so fooled (for example on the need for COVID vaccines).
So what is it that MAGA voters want, or that Trump admirers in other Western nations want? It isn’t just Trump being in office.
If we are honest we must say that they want a Populist Revolution. It’s Trump (or someone else) enacting Populist policies.
They do not want business as usual. They do not want Washington DC continuing as it has been throughout the modern era. They do not want a second Trump administration to face the limits and make the mistakes of the first term. They have recognised that certain institutions and the entire political and media class require radical responses to the extent of their crimes.
In other words, an accommodating and forgiving Trump will not, I think, be sufficient.
The mere existence of a Trump term is not enough. It would never be enough, because the scale of the crimes committed to prevent it require a similar scale of response. And because the package of insane levels of corruption combined with insane levels of divorce from the interests of ordinary people in the Western world is still there. And because of course the Globalist architects of the destruction of the West and the betrayal of its citizens are still in places of power commanding most of the resources and institutions that exist in our nations.
Their control of my own nation is as complete as their control of Biden era America was, if not more absolute than that. Britain has no MAGA movement. Reform is our best hope, but considerably less bullish and brilliant than MAGA. Farage is a superb campaigner, but has always played within acceptable (Globalist defined) limits on vital topics such as ‘diversity’ and the Islamification of Britain. He has, to be frank, been a coward on the issue of Islam and its compatibility with the West. He senses what is effective and wanted in a way that marshalled anti-EU sentiment for Brexit, and seems very much to have a similar economic populism to Trump (early indications are that Reform will seek to appeal to formerly left wing areas like Wales or the North in a similar way to Trump’s Rustbelt appeal to blue collar workers in the US-ie by promising g the return of an industrial base and some forms of protectionism, which is a key adaptation of Farage’s beginning Thatcherite free market principles). But his record on some existential threats is poor.
What is it that most people sense and want, that is key to Trump’s claim of a second term and key as well to whether any other Western nations can emulate him?
Surely it is resistance to ALL of Globalism, and all the corruption and harm that comes with Globalism?
Populism for me exists fundamentally in the recognition of the failure and malignancy of the Establishment. It exists in the awareness that credentialed experts are often fools or crooks. It exists in the knowledge that your local doctor betrayed you, that your nurses danced on Tik Tok while your loved ones died alone with effective treatments withheld from them. It exists in knowing that Big Pharma control the FDA, and that the health of American children has been deliberately destroyed for corporate profit. It exists in knowing that both main parties are full of insider traders and asset strippers, of bribe takers and purchased puppets. It exists in knowing that entire formerly esteemed professions can be corrupted to serve foreign powers or selfish and destructive short term profit. It exists in knowing that the State and all its subsidiary departments become self serving beasts feasting on the very people they should exist to protect. It exists in knowing that climate change scientists are only ever going to say what the people who pay them want them to say.
Populism is not a random set of stupid ideas the mainstream has previously considered and dismissed. It’s not an extremism in itself. It’s a reaction to extremism. It’s not a false conspiracy theory. It’s a clear headed recognition of a REAL conspiracy. Because for decades the leaders of all political parties in the West have acted directly against the interests of their own citizens. Many have done so for personal profit. They have been bribed by foreign powers, like Biden, or they have committed corporate fraud, like Pelosi. Many of course have done both. Or they have set up ‘green’ companies and pressed Net Zero purely as a means of transferring the control of energy to themselves and their friends, or securing vast subsidies that return a huge profit even from ‘solutions’ and technologies that don’t work. They have of course betrayed the industrial base and transferred those jobs to China. All of this is explicable in terms of pure short term self interest.
The fastest way to become individually rich is to be everything that defines corruption-to take bribes, to sell out your country, to sell off national resources at reduced value with a kickback to you, to be the agent of a Soros or a Gates, to turn government spending into a river of ceaseless graft flowing towards your pockets and the pockets of your sponsors, patrons and donors. All of that is perfectly explicable as a motivator of a large degree of Globalist policy and why Western leaders so consistently betray Western voters. Subsidies provide a pure greed incentive for green policies that are damaging, and access to cheap servants and workers provides a pure greed incentive for open borders.
But the ideological imperatives function too. When the radical left seized education, they turned standard elite superiority towards the common man into a mechanism of brain control. The common man was to be understood as too stupid to really have a say in their affairs. Marxism and Feudalism are actually much closer than anyone ever describes them as being. Believing that all power belongs to the State is really not much different to believing that all power belongs to the King, and it really doesn’t matter whether you think a medieval King and his courtiers, a private Foundation belonging to a Gates or a Soros, or a transnational body like the UN or the EU can do whatever it likes….you are still an absolutist who leaves no space for individual liberty.
The modern Globalist believes his favoured institutions, professions and policies should have total sway regardless of whether people actually want any of it, and the Populist objects. The Globalist believes in absolutism, and the Populist believes in liberty. The Globalist sees no issue with your doctor denying you medicines you want and are even prepared to purchase that could save your life, and no issue either with your doctor forcing you to to take a medicine you don’t want that could end your life. The only thing that matters is respectable and credentialed authority or an associated profit to those in charge, and not an older religious or moral code that would highlight how wrong this is.
Populists remember the old moral codes, and Globalists do not.
In this context, Globalist crimes cannot stop any more than more obviously Communist ones. The failure of the attempt to prevent a second Trump term won’t suddenly make the media honest or the intelligence agencies give up on interfering in domestic politics. The growth of alternative media doesn’t mean the battle is won.
One of my friends made a comment on Trump that seems especially accurate to me. In populist terms he said Trump may be more of a John the Baptist than a Jesus. Neither of us, by the way, has a religious view of any modern figure. The point is that Trump may be the great enabler, and the truly significant work will be done by others. Musk on free speech. Vivek on spending. Kennedy on drug and vaccine policy and public health. Making America Great Again will not be a task for one term or one President. And it will only be secure when Globalism is fully defeated and corporate and State corruption fully addressed.
Nor is the Populist Revolution a success if it only reclaims America. It must reclaim Britain and Canada and Australia and Europe too. It must do it before these are all Muslim Caliphates. It must address itself to the vast complex of international bodies and transnational bodies centred on the UN and aim for their destruction just as urgently as they aimed at the destruction of Trump. The UN must go. NATO must go. The Atlantic Council must go. The Gates Foundation must go.
And THEN we will have liberty again.
Daniel Jupp is a populist writer from Essex, England. His latest book is “Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World.” Daniel’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support his work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber to Jupplandia.