The Harris-Walz administration promises to destroy America from within. Walz’s most important education advisor, Brian Lozenski, said so explicitly on video. The centerpiece of Walz’s proposed education program is ethnic studies, and its de facto leader is Lozenski. Ethnic studies will be embedded in all required social studies courses (history, geography, English, civics, and sociology) and will soon be required in math, the natural sciences, and physical education.
For example, a physics teacher using the pyramids as a teaching tool would have to point out that they were built by black men. The teaching of American history would be done with a heavy focus on race, especially “oppressor vs. oppressed” narratives. Instruction in the scientific method may be complemented by lessons on “indigenous ways of knowing.”
A revolution of the sort Walz is leading requires, above all else, educating citizens in the ideology of the revolution. Ethnic studies aims to do just that.
The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So if the nation-state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown. And so we [proponents of critical race theory] can’t be like, ‘Oh no, critical race theory is just about telling our stories, and diversity.’ It’s not about that. It’s about overthrow. It’s insurgent. And we need to be, I think, more honest with that.
Walz appointed radical Brian Lozenski to “teach” Americans — and American children, in particular — his hate-America agenda.
Who is Brian D. Lozenski and why is he significant?
Brian D. Lozenski is an academic and a leading national activist on ethnic studies. He is the foremost authority on ethnic studies in Minnesota. Most importantly, he was appointed by Tim Walz to lead the development of Walz’s hate-America ethnic studies curriculum.
Lozenski is employed by Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where he is an associate professor of urban and multicultural education and the chair of the educational studies department.
Lozenski is a strong proponent of critical race theory (CRT) as a teaching tool. In his own words:
The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So if the nation-state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown. And so we [proponents of critical race theory] can’t be like, “Oh no, critical race theory is just about telling our stories, and diversity.” It’s not about that. It’s about overthrow. It’s insurgent. And we need to be, I think, more honest with that.
It’s funny that [critics] don’t understand critical race theory, but they actually tell some truth when they’re like, “Yeah, it is anti-state.” You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S. It is a[n] anti-state theory that says the United States needs to be deconstructed, period.
He said this himself?
You can watch Lozenski, in his own words and on camera here.
Is Lozenski some kind of outlier? Governors can make mistakes, after all. Perhaps Walz missed a beat?
The ethnic studies program was mandated by a bill signed by Tim Walz. As a former social studies teacher, Walz has taken special interest in his ethnic studies initiative.
The other members of the Minnesota Department of Education’s ethnic studies working group — now drafting an implementation framework — are, like Lozenski, activists. The committee that drafted Minnesota’s new social studies standards, of which ethnic studies is the centerpiece, is likewise dominated by activists. This is not by accident. The Minnesota chapter of Education for Liberation — whose leader is Lozenski — proudly proclaims that “the decision was made to pack” the social studies standards drafting committee with its members and allies. Education for Liberation is, as its name suggests, a revolutionary organization committed to the overthrow of the American way of life.
Did Walz understand what he was doing when he set up the working group? Governors create ad hoc initiatives all the time.
Yes, this was executed with intent by Walz.
To quote Katherine Kersten, a senior policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment in Minneapolis:
Walz has used both legislation and administrative rulemaking to achieve… radical Ethnic Studies instruction in every grade and every required subject. Between 2021 and 2023, Walz proposed and pushed Ethnic Studies in a series of “governor’s policy and budget bills” at the Minnesota Legislature. He finally succeeded in 2023, after Democrats won a “trifecta” in the 2022 elections.
While Walz is focusing on ethnic studies, half the children in the state are not meeting grade-level standards in reading and math, according to the Minnesota Department of Education.
What do the ethnic studies requirements actually look like?
Kersten gives us a flavor of the new standards:
- First-graders must “identify examples of ethnicity, equality, liberation and systems of power” and “use those examples to construct meanings for those terms.”
- Fourth-graders must “identify the processes and impacts of colonization and examine how discrimination and the oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have produced resistance movements.”
- High-school students are told to “develop an analysis of racial capitalism” and “anti-Blackness” and are taught to view themselves as members of “racialized hierarchies” based on “dominant European beauty standards.”
These standards, intentionally cloaked in impenetrable jargon, are intended to lead students to disdain America and join in the overthrow of their country. In the revolution of which Walz is an important part, students are taught that their country is “irreversibly” racist. As Lozenski says in his video, such a charge is necessarily a call to overthrow America.
Ok, this is pretty damning stuff. But we all know the vice president has little power. Kamala will be running the show, so who cares what Walz thinks on the issue?
Well, no one knows what Harris will do, and this is by design. Too radical an agenda will turn off voters.
But we do know that Harris has shown little interest in education policy. Walz, on the other hand, is passionately committed to education. He will be her surrogate on the issue. The National Education Association is “fired up” for precisely this reason. Walz was also heartily endorsed by the left-wing American Federation of Teachers.
If Walz comes to power in Washington, make no mistake: he will appoint people like Brian Lozenski to mandate the same initiatives that he is mandating in Minnesota at the U.S. Department of Education.
Well, what can be done today and now?
First, take Walz seriously when he says, as he promised during his first campaign rally: “Don’t ever underestimate teachers.” This is not so much a promise but a threat. He is telegraphing the revolution to come.
Second, make it known how a vote for Harris-Walz is a vote for Lozenski. It is a vote for an army of “Lozenskis” to run our national education system, to indoctrinate our children, and to destroy our country.
The Lozenski issue, more than anything else, is the hidden lynchpin issue of this election.
The Left plays the long game. Mental capture of our children ensures that generations will grow hating America and working toward her undoing. We cannot let this happen.
Spread the word.
Tom Klingenstein is the Chairman of the Claremont Institute, he is also a philanthropist, public speaker, writer, and a playwright. He believes that we are in a cold civil war and that our enemy—what he calls the “Woke regime”—are winning, in large measure because Republican leaders have yet to engage.
His essays, speeches and plays all encourage Republicans to do just that— to think, talk, and act as if we are at war. Among his essays are: “Preserving the American Way of Life”, Fighting the Mob”, “Winning the Cold Civil War”, “Men and the Future of America”, and many others. His work has been published at the Claremont Review of Books, Newsweek, American Mind, American Greatness, and Real Clear Politics.