Bringing You Conservative Fiction That Makes a Difference

Introducing Braeburn Road Books LLC

Braeburn Road Books is a publisher of high-quality, thought-provoking literature with a special emphasis on dystopian fiction from a right-of-center and libertarian perspective. At Braeburn Road Books, we want to publish books that get people thinking about the challenges we face as a country and the possible outcome of pursuing our current social, economic, and political paths. We welcome readers who may not share our specific political views but love liberty, and are concerned about preserving our country and its traditional values for future generations. Please join the conversation on this website’s blog page.

Our goal is to eventually help other likeminded quality authors publish their work on a cost-sharing basis. If you believe you might be interested in such a partnership at some point in the future, let us know.

Recent Books

Recent Books

The Antifan Girlfriend is a realistic warning about a fictional but not-so-unrealistic American future. It presents a very convincing ‘what if’ scenario that will keep you on the edge of your seat, regardless of your political persuasion. Its sequel, The Deplorable Underground, warns against the folly of hiding from the threat, as David and Malia are drawn back into the Diversity Justice Republic from their haven in the US. Battle is joined between the elite woke Social Crediteers and the oppressed Deplorables as the characters champion different visions of the future, as the DJR is slides backwards into a darker, savage reality.

Works in Progress

Works in Progress

The next book in the series will be The Cage Above (working title), a prequel about David’s parents as they grow up and raise their family in Metropole, Ohio, during the 2030’s and 2040’s. Watch the trends swirling around us take a clearer, more ominous shape: gas stoves and gasoline-powered cars disappear, walled eco-villas for elites and dormitories for the now-impoverished masses become the norm, and police gangs speaking foreign languages roam the streets to enforce the will of the World Organic Forum. Elijah and Marjory befriend the Wootons, an activist couple who will draw them into their resistance against malign forces, with catastrophic consequences.

Complimentary Short Story

Complimentary Short Story

Enjoy her books? Read a complimentary short story from author Paula T. Weiss!

The Deplorable Underground

Malia and David think they’ve escaped the tyrannical Diversity Justice Republic for good. But they have underestimated the Antifan Defense Forces’ zeal to exact revenge for David’s defection. As they are pulled back into the DJR, Malia resists the efforts of ADF Commander Khalid Ma to win her over to Diversity. David is organizing the oppressed Deplorables against the government, but struggles with his attraction to their passionate leader Lucy. He vows they will rescue Malia and prevent her forced wedding to Commander Ma, an operation that will give the Deplorables their first chance in decades to strike back at the heart of the Diverse Power. But he isn’t even sure that Malia—now a celebrity in the DJR—wants to be rescued at all.

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The Deplorable Underground


Just when Malia and David think they’ve escaped the Diversity Justice Republic for good, they are pulled back into the DJR, separately. They have reneged on their promise to help those trapped in the DJR as they burrowed into suburban comfort, they realize that they will never be left in peace unless they finally shoulder their mission.
Book Reviews

What Our Readers Think

A Review

By Eric J. French

This book hits right in the sweetspot between the dystopian nightmare envisioned by so many books and movies, and where we are this very day. In quiet moments when my mind wanders and I reflect on some issue or other, I find myself confused whether the source was from the book or actual real life. The same happens when chatting with my wife; I’ll be telling her aome crazy thing that happened and halfway through the conversation I’ll realize it happened in Anacosta and not in DC. That, for me, is the very definition of a GREAT READ!

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A Review

By Amy Sandridge

“Having lived abroad for twenty years I think that often those who have only lived in America cannot envision how fragile our democracy is. Each election can move us in one direction or another. What is your vision for your grandchildren? This novel, albeit it painful to read at times, reminds one of what we want to preserve.”

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A Review

By Amy Tursky

Wonderful. Could not put it down. A true thriller with a political twist. A frightening look at what our future could look like. I can’t wait for the sequel.

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A Review

By Lisa Schiffren

The Antifan Girlfriend is Ayn Rand for our politically fraught moment – but with more sex, dark humor, and no lectures. This is a gripping novel about the future we need to prevent. It should become the next major conservative classic.

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The Antifan Girlfriend


In a world where "diversity policies" are used by government to trample the God-given freedoms of people into conforming to a rigid and brutal class-based system of "social credit scores," we see the evil irony of government power. Government claims to seek diversity, but instead, it categorizes people by their compliance and syncophony to government officials who wield power and provide special favors. Trust between individuals is lost, as the government remains the only organized force. There is no more civil society. And yet, the same power- and ego-driven corruptions of government officials play out. Only this time, without constitutional restraints. Paula T. Weiss captured this in compelling storytelling and gripping drama. First piece of fiction I have enjoyed in quite some time.

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The Deplorable Underground


A prophetic page-turner. I like dystopian novels and this is one of the best I've read. Its predictions are extensions of trends we're seeing now, so they ring true. What I especially like is that the characters also ring true, something that I haven't always seen in this genre. Some authors are so eager to get their political or philosophical point across that the characters and the plot seem secondary. Here, the people are real and interesting and the plot makes it a book I found myself reading late into the night.

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Covid Emergency declared


Diversity Justice Republic declared


End of the Diversity Civil War


Founding of the Cayuga Republic